“1925 photograph of Gladys Roy and Ivan Unger playing a game of tennis on the wings of a biplane above Los Angeles….Gladys also danced the Charleston while on the wing of a bi-plane and walked across the wings blind folded. She was also purported to be a dare devil parachutist.” She died tragically in 1927 after walking into her plane propeller, “Gladys Roy, 25…who had planned a New York to Rome airplane flight as a climax to years of stunt flying, died in a hospital here tonight from injuries received when she was struck by a whirling propeller at Watson field here late today… Miss Roy had climbed into the plane to have her picture taken with an Ohio bathing beauty who won a place to compete in the Atlantic City annual bathing beauty contest. The picture was nearly finished being taken when the woman flier started the engine, stepped down from the fuselage and unconsciously walked into the propeller.”
-Andrew Joseph/ Knoxville Journal
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